Tom Clements
Tom Clements is based in Columbia, South Carolina USA, where he is the director of Savannah River Site Watch, a small NGO that focuses on U.S. Department of Energy programs ranging from plutonium and spent fuel management to funding for advanced reactors to production of new nuclear warheads.

Tim Judson
Since January 2014, Tim Judson has served as the Executive Director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service; and, prior to that, as Associate Director beginning in September 2013. NIRS is a non-profit environmental organization established in 1978 to serve as a national information and networking hub for grassroots organizations and people concerned about nuclear energy and interested in transitioning to sustainable, renewable energy sources.

Yves Marignac
Yves Marignac is a nuclear and energy expert, senior advisor and spokesperson with négaWatt, an expert think tank dedicated to energy transition issues in France and Europe.

Jeong-Yoon Lee
Mr. Jeong-yoon Lee participated in the mechanical design of NSSS Major Equipment including fuel handling and storage systems for light and heavy water reactors for 25 years in KAERI, AECL, KEPCO E&C, TÜV-SÜD-GNEC. After the Fukushima nuclear accident his main concern has been changed from design development to the safety of it.

Petr Bartoň
Petr Bartoň graduated in Economics from the Universities of Cambridge and Chicago. Since he returned to his home country, he has taught at several universities in Prague, dealt with investments (including into energy systems) as Chief Economist of Natland investment group, and followed and commented on the global transformation of the energy systems into something that will be (unlike, say, digital technologies) the greatest factor of planetary economy in the next (approximately) half century.

Magdalena Davis
Magdalena Davis is a Co-Chair of the Czech Green Party, former Mayor of Mníšek pod Brdy and biologist, who has dealt with environmental protection, social justice and human rights throughout her professional career. She got a master's degree in Biology at Charles University and a doctor’s degree at the University of Western Australia.

Luděk Niedermayer
He graduated from Theoretical Cybernetics, Mathematical Informatics and Systems Theory at the Faculty of Science of then Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Brno (present-day Masaryk University). Before entering politics, he was an economic advisor at Deloitte. He also spent a considerable part of his career in the Czech National Bank management. He worked there as a member of the Bank Council for twelve years and as Vice-Governor between 2000 and 2008.

Vladimír Špidla
From the 1990s, he worked successively as the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Prime Minister at the time of Czechia’s accession to the European Union, and then as the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights. In 2001–2004, he was Chairman of the Czech Social Democratic Party; currently he is a member of the Board of Directors of Masaryk Democratic Academy, of which he was Managing Director until recently.